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Essential Portuguese Vocabulary for Clothing

Let’s learn some basic Portuguese words and useful phrases concerning clothing and shopping.


  • Clothes: Roupa, vestuário
  • Shirt: Camisa
  • Sweater: Camisola
  • T-shirt: Camisola de manga curta
  • Coat: Casaco
  • Jacket: Blusão
  • Pants: Calças 
  • Jeans: Calças de ganga 
  • Shorts: Calções
  • Skirt: Saia
  • Dress: Vestido 
  • Suit: Fato 
  • Shoes: Sapatos
  • Sport shoes: Sapatilhas
  • Sandals: Sandálias
  • Boots: Botas 
  • Socks: Meias
  • Underwear: Roupa interior
  • Briefs: Cuecas
  • Knickers: Cuecas, calcinhas
  • Bra: Sutiã

Beyond the Basics

  • Raincoat: Impermeável
  • Scarf: Cachecol
  • Hat: Chapéu
  • Beanie: Gorro
  • Cap: Boné
  • Gloves: Luvas
  • Sunglasses: Óculos de sol 
  • Belt: Cinto
  • Purse: Carteira
  • Wallet: Carteira
  • Tie: Gravata
  • Vest: Colete

Useful Shopping Phrases

  • Brand: Marca
  • Label: Etiqueta
  • Size: Tamanho
  • Small: Pequeno
  • Medium: Médio
  • Large: Grande
  • To wear: Vestir
  • To try on: Experimentar
  • I’m looking for… Estou à procura de…
  • What size do you have? Que tamanho tem?
  • Can I try on this shirt? Posso experimentar esta camisa?
  • It suits you: Fica-te bem
  • Does it suit me? Fica-me bem?
  • It’s too tight: Está apertado demais 
  • It’s too loose: Está largo demais
  • How much does it cost? Quanto custa?

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