Bite-sized Audios to Sharpen Your Ears and Expand Your Portuguese on All Topics
Zangam-se as comadres…
The truth often hides in the shadows of conflict, just waiting to be brought to light.
Listen nowZangam-se as comadres…Santos da casa não fazem milagres
Excessive reliance on loved ones can hinder personal and professional development.
Listen nowSantos da casa não fazem milagresContra factos não há argumentos
Debating? Arm Yourself with Facts – They Speak Louder Than Opinions.
Listen nowContra factos não há argumentosA vingança serve-se a frio
True vengeance is a dish best served cold, meticulously planned, and unseen until it hits.
Listen nowA vingança serve-se a frioQuerer é poder
Where there's a will, there's a way.
Listen nowQuerer é poderBoas intenções não bastam
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Listen nowBoas intenções não bastamQuem desdenha quer comprar
Critics may secretly desire what they condemn.
Listen nowQuem desdenha quer comprarMais vale devagar e bem
Forget the mad dash! Take your time, craft it right. Quality, not speed, builds things that last.
Listen nowMais vale devagar e bemQuem não se sente…
People of integrity can't help but feel offended or hurt when targeted by injustice, offense, or disrespect.
Listen nowQuem não se sente…Em casa de ferreiro, espeto de pau
The cobbler's son always goes barefoot, a truth as old as time.
Listen nowEm casa de ferreiro, espeto de pauNão se pode parar o vento com as mãos
Let's focus on mastering what we can control, rather than fighting the inevitable.
Listen nowNão se pode parar o vento com as mãosDevagar se vai ao longe
Stay calm, think clearly, and execute well. Fewer mistakes, greater success. Slow and steady wins the race.
Listen nowDevagar se vai ao longe