Bite-sized Audios to Sharpen Your Ears and Expand Your Portuguese on All Topics
5 de Outubro
October 5th is just around the corner. But what are we actually celebrating?
Listen now5 de OutubroCondições ideais
Moss: the shady, acidic, humidity-loving hermit of the plant world.
Listen nowCondições ideaisAdeus plástico
Switching to aluminum water bottles offers numerous environmental benefits.
Listen nowAdeus plásticoÉ como pintar uma casa
Learning Portuguese is like painting a house: patience and repeated layers build fluency.
Listen nowÉ como pintar uma casaDe cima para baixo
Lakes freeze top-down! Why does ice conquer the surface while water below stays liquid?
Listen nowDe cima para baixoÁgua fria pelo corpo abaixo
Starting your day with a cold shower can work wonders for both your physical and mental health!
Listen nowÁgua fria pelo corpo abaixoDia de Portugal
Portugal's National Day, officially called the Day of Portugal, Camões, and the Portuguese Communities, occurs every year on June 10th.
Listen nowDia de PortugalSem ar não há som
You gotta have air for sound to travel, dude! Those sound waves need something to wiggle through.
Listen nowSem ar não há somMais uma nódoa! E agora?
Raise your hand if you've ever been enjoying a meal and got a splatter of olive oil on your white shirt.
Listen nowMais uma nódoa! E agora?Impressões digitais
Fingerprints, those swirls and lines that set us apart, begin to develop in a way that might surprise you.
Listen nowImpressões digitaisMais azeite na salada
Salads are a great way to get vitamins, but adding olive oil helps your body absorb them better.
Listen nowMais azeite na saladaMais lento, porquê?
Why do cell phones tend to get slower over time?
Listen nowMais lento, porquê?