Sharpen Your Ears and Expand Your Portuguese Across All Topics

From basic dialogues to popular Portuguese sayings, news excerpts, and podcast clips, Drills are diverse audio clips suited for all levels. Each Drill includes rolling captions you can turn on/off, adjustable playback speeds, and a full transcript with English translation.

To get the most out of Drills, try these steps:

  1. Listen Without the Transcript: Start by listening a couple of times without captions. If it feels too challenging, skim the English translation first, then listen again. Mimic the speaker’s sounds, rhythm, and intonation to practice pronunciation—paying attention to how your lips, jaw, and tongue move.
  2. Use Rolling Captions with Auto-Scroll: Turn on the rolling captions and use the text to fill in any gaps. Try deducing new words from context before looking them up. For idiomatic expressions, check the English translation.
  3. Listen Again Without the Transcript: Take a short break, then listen one last time without the transcript. You’ll notice it sounds clearer now. Celebrate your progress—Parabéns!

You don’t have to follow these steps exactly, but they’re a great way to get more from your practice.

New Drills are usually released twice a week, and there’s already a great selection waiting for you. So, ready to give Drills a go?

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Sharpen Your Ears and Expand Your Portuguese on All Topics