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Before you start filling in the blanks, take a moment to read through the text to understand the context. If the words provided in the box aren't function words (like prepositions or conjunctions), ensure that you know their meanings.

If the text seems too challenging for your current proficiency level, consider reading the English translation (EN text) first to grasp the main idea. Go through it once, then return to the exercise.

You can check your answers by opening the "Original text" tab or by clicking "View Questions" after submitting the quiz.

These exercises not only help you practice grammar (such as verb conjugation and prepositions) but also offer an excellent opportunity to learn new words and idiomatic expressions. When I create these texts, I make sure they sound natural, often incorporating idioms. Therefore, make sure to use the English translation to compare and learn these idioms effectively.

Practice Portuguese Verbs, Prepositions, and More

Blanks are fill-in-the-blank exercises designed to help you master verb conjugation, prepositions, and Portuguese grammar overall.

These exercises help you not only practice grammar but also expand your vocabulary and understanding of idiomatic expressions. I ensure each text sounds natural and often include idioms. Each Blank exercise includes a key transcript and a complete English translation.

You can mark each Blank as complete, sort to see only new ones, and bookmark your favorites for easy reference. New Blanks are released once or twice a week, with plenty already waiting for you. Ready to dive in?

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Practice Portuguese Verbs, Prepositions, and More


Tap or click to cross out words

encontrar-se, deitar-se, perder-se, despachar-se, pentear-se, levantar-se, vestir-se, concentrar-se, esquecer-se, rir-se

Original text

O meu dia começa cedo. Levanto-me às sete da manhã e vou diretamente para a casa de banho ainda meia a dormir. Tomo um duche rápido e penteio-me em frente ao espelho. 

Depois visto-me e tomo o pequeno-almoço antes de sair de casa para o trabalho. Às vezes demoro mais tempo do que é costume e depois tenho de me despachar à pressa para não chegar atrasada ao escritório.

Durante o dia tento concentrar-me nas minhas tarefas, mas é fácil perder-me em pensamentos e esquecer-me de coisas importantes como reuniões. Os meus colegas brincam comigo e dizem que eu sou uma cabeça-no-ar.

Depois do trabalho costumo encontrar-me com amigos para descontrair e rir-me das peripécias do dia. 

Ao chegar a casa cozinho e como o jantar, e depois vejo um pouco de televisão. Deito-me pelas onze da noite com o pensamento de que amanhã será um novo dia. 

EN Translation

My day starts early. I get up at seven in the morning and go straight to the bathroom, still half asleep. I take a quick shower and do my hair in front of the mirror.

Then I get dressed and have breakfast before leaving the house for work. Sometimes it takes me longer than usual and then I have to hurry to avoid being late for the office.

During the day I try to concentrate on my tasks, but it’s easy to get lost in thought and forget important things like meetings. My colleagues joke with me and tell me I’m an airhead.

After work, I usually meet up with friends to relax and laugh about the day’s events.

When I get home I cook and eat dinner, then watch a bit of TV. I go to bed around eleven at night with the thought that tomorrow will be a new day.

Portuguese Reflexive Verbs ans Pronouns - Portuguesepedia
Lesson #89 Portuguese Reflexive Verbs - Portuguesepedia