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Before you start filling in the blanks, take a moment to read through the text to understand the context. If the words provided in the box aren't function words (like prepositions or conjunctions), ensure that you know their meanings.

If the text seems too challenging for your current proficiency level, consider reading the English translation (EN text) first to grasp the main idea. Go through it once, then return to the exercise.

You can check your answers by opening the "Original text" tab or by clicking "View Questions" after submitting the quiz.

These exercises not only help you practice grammar (such as verb conjugation and prepositions) but also offer an excellent opportunity to learn new words and idiomatic expressions. When I create these texts, I make sure they sound natural, often incorporating idioms. Therefore, make sure to use the English translation to compare and learn these idioms effectively.


Fill-in-the-blanks to Practice Portuguese Verbs, Prepositions, and More


Tap or click to cross out words

ver, cozinhar, estudar, gostar, começar, voltar, ler, apanhar, ser, costumar

Original text

Olá! Chamo-me Manuela e vou contar-vos como era o meu dia-a-dia quando vivia em Braga e estudava na Universidade do Minho.

Costumava acordar cedo pelas sete da manhã para tomar o pequeno-almoço nas calmas. Depois, apanhava o autocarro para a universidade.

As aulas normalmente começavam às nove e terminavam por volta das cinco da tarde. Entre as aulas gostava de ir tomar um café com os meus colegas e amigos.

Ao fim do dia, voltava para casa e preparava o jantar. Cozinhava pratos simples, como massa ou salada. À noite, via um pouco de televisão ou lia um livro antes de ir dormir. Braga é uma cidade bonita e adorei o meu tempo lá.

EN Translation

Hello, my name is Manuela and I’m going to tell you about my day-to-day life when I lived in Braga and studied at the University of Minho.

I used to wake up early at seven in the morning to have a leisurely breakfast. Then I’d take the bus to the university.

Classes would usually start at nine and finish around five in the afternoon. Between classes, I would go for a coffee with my classmates and friends.

At the end of the day, I would return home and prepare dinner. I would cook simple dishes like pasta or salad. In the evening, I’d watch a bit of TV or read a book before going to bed. Braga is a beautiful city and I loved my time there.

Portuguese Past Tense – Perfect vs. Imperfect – Portuguesepedia
Lesson #30 Regular verbs Imperfect tense - Portuguesepedia
Lesson #41 Imperfect - Portuguesepedia