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Portuguesepedia began as a blog for Portuguese language learners, and Articles carry on that legacy. From detailed guides on Portuguese grammar and pronunciation to inspirational tips and insights, Articles cover everything you need to master the language.

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A Wealth of Articles on Everything Related to Learning Portuguese

Portuguese Subject Pronouns - Portuguesepedia

Portuguese Subject Pronouns

I, you, she, he, it, we, they. These are all subject pronouns and you are about to learn what they look like in European Portuguese and a…

Portuguese Verb Fazer - Usage and Conjugation - Portuguesepedia

The Portuguese Verb Fazer

The Portuguese verb Fazer means different things depending on the context. Depending on the context, its English equivalent can be Make, Do, or Take. Additionally, there are…

Portuguese Grammar Basic Features - Portuguesepedia

Basic Portuguese Grammar for Beginners

Introduction Understanding the fundamentals of Portuguese grammar can be extremely helpful. In this blog post, I’ll touch on a few relevant aspects of Portuguese grammar that you…

Soccer Lingo in Portuguese - Portuguesepedia

Essential Soccer Terminology in Portuguese

Soccer, Futebol in Portuguese, transcends language barriers. But learning some terminology related to soccer won’t hurt. Whether you’re cheering on your favorite Portuguese team or enjoying a…

Learning Portuguese with Stories

Learn Portuguese with Stories

Learning Portuguese doesn’t need to be tedious. If you don’t enjoy learning languages with textbooks or sitting in a classroom, there are other ways to approach it.…

Dialects of Portugal - Portuguesepedia

Portugal’s Dialects

Portugal boasts a linguistic tapestry as diverse as its landscapes. Let’s explore the charming quirks and phonetic particularities of its dialects starting from the north and moving south,…

Tudo vs Todo in Portuguese - Portuguesepedia

Difference between Tudo and Todo in Portuguese

What’s the difference between “tudo” and “todo/toda/todos/todas”? They’re all indefinite pronouns and can be translated as “all” in English, though “tudo” is more commonly translated as “everything.”…

Portuguese Swear Words - Portuguesepedia

Portuguese Swear Words

Welcome to an unashamed journey through Portuguese strong language! Although strongly repressed by many, swear words have their place in social interactions, namely, they are a powerful…