Sharpen Your Ears and Expand Your Portuguese Across All Topics

From basic dialogues to popular Portuguese sayings, news excerpts, and podcast clips, Drills are diverse audio clips suited for all levels. Each Drill includes rolling captions you can turn on/off, adjustable playback speeds, and a full transcript with English translation.

To get the most out of Drills, try these steps:

  1. Listen Without the Transcript: Start by listening a couple of times without captions. If it feels too challenging, skim the English translation first, then listen again. Mimic the speaker’s sounds, rhythm, and intonation to practice pronunciation—paying attention to how your lips, jaw, and tongue move.
  2. Use Rolling Captions with Auto-Scroll: Turn on the rolling captions and use the text to fill in any gaps. Try deducing new words from context before looking them up. For idiomatic expressions, check the English translation.
  3. Listen Again Without the Transcript: Take a short break, then listen one last time without the transcript. You’ll notice it sounds clearer now. Celebrate your progress—Parabéns!

You don’t have to follow these steps exactly, but they’re a great way to get more from your practice.

New Drills are usually released twice a week, and there’s already a great selection waiting for you. So, ready to give Drills a go?

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Improve Your Natural Feel for Portuguese

Dips are short-format videos, typically 30 seconds to 2 minutes, focused on idiomatic expressions and language nuances that aren’t always easy for non-native speakers to grasp. 

In each video, I’ll explain the expressions entirely in Portuguese, providing usage examples to help you understand them in context. Each Dip is subtitled in Portuguese and wraps up with a quick summary and a use case to illustrate the expression.

New Dips are released twice a week, and there’s already a great selection waiting for you. So, ready to dive in? Start exploring Dips today and give your Portuguese a natural boost!

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On-Point Portuguese Grammar and Pronunciation Lessons

These video lessons are designed to help you master Portuguese grammar and pronunciation. For beginner-friendly topics, I’ll use English for instruction, but for more advanced topics, I’ll use as much Portuguese as possible.

Each lesson links to at least one related article so you can reinforce your learning and better grasp key concepts. You’ll also find links to other video lessons on related topics to deepen your understanding.

You can mark each lesson as viewed, sort to see only unwatched ones, and bookmark your favorites for easy reference.

Ready to dive in? Start exploring Lessons today and give your Portuguese a natural boost!

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Practice Portuguese Verbs, Prepositions, and More

Blanks are fill-in-the-blank exercises designed to help you master verb conjugation, prepositions, and Portuguese grammar overall.

These exercises help you not only practice grammar but also expand your vocabulary and understanding of idiomatic expressions. I ensure each text sounds natural and often include idioms. Each Blank exercise includes a key transcript and a complete English translation.

You can mark each Blank as complete, sort to see only new ones, and bookmark your favorites for easy reference. New Blanks are released once or twice a week, with plenty already waiting for you. Ready to dive in?

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Your Go-To Resource for All Things Portuguese

Portuguesepedia began as a blog for Portuguese language learners, and Articles carry on that legacy. From detailed guides on Portuguese grammar and pronunciation to inspirational tips and insights, Articles cover everything you need to master the language.

Written in English, these articles often link to related Lessons (on topics like grammar and pronunciation) and connect you to other articles on similar subjects for deeper exploration.

Start exploring Articles today and dive into a wealth of knowledge!

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Learn European Portuguese with Engaging Materials and True Immersion.

Learn European Portuguese - Fluency is Within Reach - Portuguesepedia
Idiomatic Dips
listening Drills
Video Lessons
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Start on the right foot

Grab my guide Key Strategies — simple principles that will forever transform how you learn Portuguese.

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Snappy Videos to Help You Grow Your Idiomatic Feel for Portuguese

Dip #184 Falar com os botões - Portuguesepedia
Dip #183 Rua - Portuguesepedia
Dip #182 Estar a bracos com - Portuguesepedia
Dip #181 à pinha - Portuguesepedia
Dip #180 Passar a noite em branco - Portuguesepedia
Dip #179 Acertar em cheio - Portuguesepedia
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Uncluttered and easy to use, Portuguesepedia is a content-rich platform brimming with engaging materials that put you on the path to fluency.


Bite-sized Audios to Sharpen Your Ears and Expand Your Portuguese on All Topics

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Fresh daily content crafted by a dedicated teacher truly invested in seeing you flourish in Portuguese.


On-Point Portuguese Grammar and Pronunciation Video Lessons

Lesson #18 Cognates 2 - Portuguesepedia
Lesson #11 Semi-regular verbs -ir - Portuguesepedia
Lesson #63 Forming Plurals - Portuguesepedia
Lesson #48 Preposition por - Portuguesepedia
Lesson #75 Há vs Durante vs Por - Portuguesepedia
Lesson #30 Regular verbs Imperfect tense - Portuguesepedia
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Fill-in-the-blanks to Practice Portuguese Verbs, Prepositions, and More

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From basics to brilliance: your journey to fluent Portuguese starts here.


Engaging Audiobooks Crafted with the Language Learner in Mind

Estou feito ao bife - Idiomatic chats for Portuguese Language Learners - Portuguesepedia
Portuguese short story for beginners - de maos dadas - Portuguesepedia
Easy Reads for Portuguese Lanugage Learners - Conversa Fiada - by Portuguesepedia
Easy Reads for Portuguese Lanugage Learners - Uma Segunda Oportunidade - by Portuguesepedia
Easy Reads for Portuguese Lanugage Learners - Cenas do Quotidiano - by Portuguesepedia
Easy Reads for Portuguese Lanugage Learners - Entre a Felicidade e a Tristeza - by Portuguesepedia
See more

Portuguesepedia takes a different approach to language learning recognizing that fluency is a journey, not a destination.


Comprehensive Courses to Help You Build a Solid Foundation in Portuguese

Portuguese Verb Gems 2 - Online Course for Beginners - Portuguesepedia
Portuguese Verb Gems 1 - Online Course for Beginners - Portuguesepedia
Portuguese Bad Words - Online Course on How to Swear in Portuguese - by Portuguesepedia
Portuguese Online Course For Beginners A1 - Module 1 - Portuguesepedia
Portuguese Online Course For Beginners A1 - Module 3 - Portuguesepedia
Portuguese Online Course For Beginners A1 - Module 4 - Portuguesepedia
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Rather than empty promises of rapid fluency, Portuguesepedia delivers a comprehensive toolkit for mastering the intricacies of Portuguese through authentic, real-world language practice.


A Wealth of Articles on Everything Related to Learning Portuguese

Portuguese Verbs Ser vs. Estar - Portuguesepedia
Portuguese Present Subjunctive - Portuguesepedia
Portuguese Spelling Reform - Portuguesepedia
Word Stress in Portuguese - Portuguesepedia
Portuguese Future Subjunctive - Portuguesepedia
Forming Plural Words in Portuguese - Portuguesepedia
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Speak Portuguese with confidence and freedom

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Idiomatic Dips
Listening Drills
Video Lessons