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Portuguese Spelling Reform
In 1990, several Portuguese-speaking countries agreed on a spelling reform to create and maintain a cohesive, international standard across borders.
In Portugal, the spelling reform was enacted in 2009 followed by a 6-year transitional period where the old and new orthographies were officially co-existing. To this date, however, there’s a de facto spelling double standard in Portugal.
This double standard is partly due to a widespread lack of awareness of the new spelling rules and partly the fact that several journalists, authors, and a few publishers refuse to follow the new orthography (for reasons outside the scope of this article).
Seeing the same word spelled differently in different sources must be confusing for language learners (for instance, baptismo vs. batismo). Among other things, I’d like to clarify which spellings agree with the spelling reform*. Read on.
* The spelling reform pertains exclusively to orthography, that is, it doesn’t have anything to do with phonology or lexicon. Brazilians, Portuguese, Angolans, and other native Portuguese speakers keep pronouncing the words as before as they keep using their local, culture-specific words and expressions. Learn where in the world Portuguese is spoken.
Silent consonants
Except for the letter h – which in Portuguese is always mute – we no longer write mute consonants such as silent c’s or p’s.
Here’re a few examples:
Before | After |
acto | ato |
acção | ação |
detective | detetive |
óptimo | ótimo |
baptismo | batismo |
. . . |
But! We keep the c’s and p’s when we pronounce them:
Before | After |
facto | ‘’ |
pacto | ‘’ |
Egípcio | ‘’ |
. . . |
! A common misunderstanding
I often hear people talking against the spelling reform (and refusing to follow it) based on a widespread misunderstanding: they think that all those p’s and c’s mentioned above are – according to the reform – gone, even when you are supposed to pronounce them, which is not true as illustrated by the table above.
There are a few words subjected to alternative spellings. Those are cases where some pronounce the c’s and the p’s while others don’t. Then, either spelling is considered correct:
Before | After |
infeccioso | ‘’ or infecioso |
sectorial | ‘’ or setorial |
olfacto | ‘’ or olfato |
. . . |
Last but not least, in some words, these c’s and p’s are pronounced in the European standard but not in Brazilian. And vice-versa.
In these cases, there is a double standard according to each variant of Portuguese:
European standard | Brazilian standard |
facto | fato |
contactar | contatar |
defetivo | defectivo |
conceção | concepção |
corrupção | corrução |
receção | recepção |
. . . |
Learn more about how the European and Brazilian standards compare: European vs. Brazilian Portuguese – How Different Are They?
Diacritical marks
To accommodate differences in pronunciation between the European and Brazilian standards, some words are subject to different accent marks:
European Portuguese | Brazilian Portuguese |
académico | acadêmico |
cénico | cênico |
bidé | bidê |
. . . |
The circumflex accent marks a more closed vowel sound. Learn more about Portuguese diacritics here: Portuguese Word Stress and Accent Marks
Before the reform, the 1-person plural in the preterite tense (Pretérito Perfeito) took an accent mark to graphically distinguish it from the present tense (same pronunciation and spelling otherwise)*.
After the reform, it became optional to use the accent mark:
Before | After |
Ontem ficámos em casa Hoje ficamos em casa | Ontem ficámos/ficamos em casa Hoje ficamos em casa |
Ontem cozinhámos bacalhau Hoje cozinhamos bacalhau | Ontem cozinhámos/cozinhamos bacalhau Hoje cozinhamos bacalhau |
. . . |
* Only applies to regular verbs of the -ar conjugation group.
Before the reform, a few verbs of the second and third conjugation groups (-er, -ir) had a circumflex accent mark on the 3-person plural. That’s not the case any longer:
Before | After |
crêem (crer) | creem |
vêem (ver) | veem |
lêem (ler) | leem |
. . . |
Before the spelling reform, the verb form para (verb Parar) had an acute accent mark to denote a more open vowel sound compared to the preposition para.
These days, the verb form and preposition are homographs (same spelling, different pronunciation):
Before | After |
pára (verb from) | para (verb from) |
para (preposition) | ‘’ |
The diphthong oi no longer takes an accent mark (to denote an open vowel sound) unless it comprises the last syllable:
Before | After |
asteróide | asteroide |
jóia | joia |
but | |
herói | ‘’ |
constrói | ‘’ |
. . . |
The hyphen drops
We no longer use a hyphen in compound words with prefixes such as anti-, re-, co-, extra-, intra-, pro-, multi-, pluri-, contra-, among others:
Before | After |
co-dependente | codependente |
re-equilíbrio | reequilíbrio |
contra-indicação | contraindicação |
neo-impressionismo | neoimpresionismo |
auto-avaliação | autoavaliação |
geo-estratégico | geoestratégico |
multi-color | multicolor |
pluri-anual | plurianual |
. . . |
Also, we don’t use the hyphen in compound words where the first part ends in a vowel and the remainder starts with r or s.
However, we do have to duplicate the s and r so that the spelling agrees with Portuguese spelling-pronunciation patterns*.
Before | After |
contra-regra | contrarregra |
anti-semita | antissemita |
auto-rádio | autorrádio |
. . . |
* Learn more about Portuguese spelling pronunciation patterns here: European Portuguese Pronunciation – Complete Guide to Portuguese Phonology and Spelling-Sound Patterns
We don’t hyphenate compound words with the prefix mal- unless the suffix starts with a vowel or h :
Before | After |
mal-falante | malfalante |
mal-criado | malcriado |
but | |
mal-amado | ‘’ |
mal-estar | ‘’ |
mal-humorado | ‘’ |
. . . |
We no longer use a hyphen between Haver’s verb forms and de:
Before | After |
hei-de ir ao Japão | hei de ir ao Japão |
hás-de me entender | hás de me entender |
. . . |
Learn more about Haver: The Portuguese Verb “Haver” and All the Things You Say with It.
The hyphen is kept
We hyphenate compound words to be consistent with Portuguese spelling-pronunciation patterns.
Except for prefixes re– and co-, we hyphenate compound nouns in which the prefix ends in a vowel and the suffix starts with the same vowel:
Before | After |
contra–ataque | ‘’ |
micro–ondas | ‘’ |
auto–observação | ‘’ |
. . . but | |
co–operação | cooperação |
co–ordenação | coordenação |
re–escrever | reescrever |
. . . |
Also, we use the hyphen in compound words with prefixes ending with an –r – such as hiper-, inter-, or super- – and suffixes starting with the same letter:
Before | After |
hiper–resistente | ‘’ |
super–reacionário | ‘’ |
. . . |
We hyphenate compound words denoting plants and animals:
Before | After |
couve-flor | ‘’ |
erva-doce | ‘’ |
bicho-da-seda | ‘’ |
. . . |
We hyphenate compound words with prefixes ending in –m (nasal sound) such as bem-, além-, aquém-, and recém-
Before | After |
bem-vindo | ‘’ |
além-mar | ‘’ |
recém-nascido | ‘’ |
sem-abrigo | ‘’ |
. . . |
We hyphenate compound words that take the prefixes ex-, vice-, pré-, pós- och pró-:
Before | After |
ex-marido | ‘’ |
vice-presidente | ‘’ |
pré-história | ‘’ |
pró-democracia | ‘’ |
pós-parto | ‘’ |
. . . |
Lower- or uppercase?
According to the spelling reform, weekdays, months, and seasons are no longer capitalized:
Before | After |
Terça-feira | terça-feira |
Março | março |
Primavera | primavera |
. . . |
Concerning titles and headings, only the first word is capitalized:
Before | After |
O Crime do Padre Amaro | O crime do padre Amaro |
Crime e Castigo | Crime e castigo |
E Tudo o Vento Levou | E tudo o vento levou |
. . . |
Moreover, forms of address are no longer capitalized:
Before | After |
Senhor Doutor Sr. Dr. | senhor doutor sr. dr. |
Senhora Engenheira Sra. Eng. | senhora engenheira sra. eng. |
Excelentíssimo Senhor Exmo. Sr. | excelentíssimo senhor exmo. sr. |
. . . |
You get to choose whether or not you capitalize religious scriptures, saints and other sacred figures, subjects of knowledge, monuments, streets, and public places:
Before | After |
Nossa Senhora | ‘’ or nossa senhora |
Bíblia | ‘’ or bíblia |
Igreja da Misericórdia | ‘’ or igreja da misericórdia |
Matemática | ‘’ or matemática |
Avenida da Liberdade | ‘’ or avenida da liberdade |
. . . |
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