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Common Auxiliary Verbs in Portuguese
We use auxiliary verbs all the time in conversation, so today, I’d like to name some of the most common ones in Portuguese.
Auxiliary verbs are typically conjugated in the Present or Past tense and followed by the main verb in the Infinitive form*, as in [auxiliary (conj.) + main (inf.)].
There are, however, slight variations in this structure: some auxiliary verbs are followed by ‘a’ before the main verb, others by ‘de’, and some connect directly to the main verb without any additional particle in between.
Let’s then take a look at some of the most commonly used auxiliary verbs.
* Auxiliary verbs like ter, ser, and estar are also used to form compound tenses (perfect tenses) and the passive voice. In these cases, however, they are followed by the main verb in the Past Participle form, not the Infinitive. This post does not cover those cases.
aux. [conj] > a > main [inf.]
Estar a
Estou a ver um filme.
I’m watching a movie.
Nós estamos a almoçar.
We’re having lunch.
Andar a
Ando a fazer um curso de fotografia.
I’m doing a photography course.
Ela anda a baldar-se à escola.
She’s been skipping school.
Começar a
Agora começo a entender.
Now I’m beginning to understand.
Quando começaste a treinar?
When did you start training?
Ficar a
Ela ficou em casa a ver um filme.
She stayed at home to watch a movie.
Eu fiquei a olhar para ela com cara de parvo.
I stared at her with a dumb look on my face.
Continuar a
Nós continuamos a questionar o mesmo.
We keep questioning the same thing.
Continuas a fumar?
Do you still smoke?
Voltar a
Eles voltaram a fazer a mesma asneira.
They messed up again.
Voltas a viajar esta semana?
Are you traveling again this week?
Chegar a
Chegaste a falar com a tua irmã?
Did you get to talk to your sister?
Nunca cheguei a visitar a minha prima.
I never got to visit my cousin.
Vir a
Eu vim a saber que me mentiste.
I came to know that you lied to me.
Ela veio todo o caminho a contar histórias.
She came all the way telling stories.
aux. [conj.] > de > main [inf.]
Gostar de
Gosto muito de viajar.
I love to travel.
Nós gostávamos de ficar em Portugal.
We’d like to stay in Portugal.
Precisar de
Preciso de falar contigo.
I need to talk to you.
Ela precisa de comer mais proteína.
She needs more protein.
Ter de (≈ Precisar de)
Tenho de falar contigo.
I need to talk to you.
Ela tem de comer mais proteína.
She needs more protein.
Parar de
Para de implicar comigo.
Stop picking on me.
Eu parei de fumar há muitos anos.
I gave up smoking many years ago.
Deixar de (≈ Parar de)
Deixa de implicar comigo.
Stop picking on me.
Eu deixei de fumar há muitos anos.
I gave up smoking many years ago.
Acabar de
Acabei de falar com a Ana.
I’ve just spoken to Ana.
Eles acabaram de sair.
They’ve just left.
Haver de
Hei de ir à Indonésia.
I’m going to Indonesia someday.
Hás de conseguir realizar os teus sonhos.
You will eventually achieve your dreams.
aux. [conj.] > main [inf.]
Vou fazer uma viagem a Londres.
I’m going on a trip to London.
Vocês vão dormir cá?
Are you sleeping over?
Posso fumar aqui?
Can I smoke here?
Eles já podem sair.
They can leave now.
Consegues estar cá por volta das 20h?
Can you be here around 8pm?
Lamento, mas não consigo resolver o problema.
I’m sorry, but I can’t solve the problem.
Sabes tocar piano?
Can you play the piano?
Ela não sabe andar de bicicleta.
She can’t ride a bike.
Ela costuma almoçar em casa dos pais.
She usually eats lunch at her parents’.
Costumam tomar café?
Do you usually drink coffee?
Queres falar comigo?
Do you want to talk to me?
Quero comer sobremesa.
I want to eat dessert.
Tentei telefonar à Maria.
I tried to call Maria.
Tenta estar quieto.
Try to be quiet.
Eles devem chegar pelas 11h.
They should arrive around 11am.
Às vezes devias estar calado.
Sometimes you should keep quiet.
Adoro aprender Português.
I love learning Portuguese.
Eles adoram apanhar sol.
They love to sunbathe.
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